School Profile

School Information

        Najd National Schools (N.N.S) were founded by H.E. the martyred Prime Minister Sheikh Rafic Hariri in 1983 to provide educational services to the Saudi community in Riyadh, the capital of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Responding to the recommendations of parents, stakeholders and policy makers, the implementation of the International Program at Najd National School was inaugurated at the beginning of the academic year 2013-2014 from Kindergarten to Grade 9. The school has been graduating students since 2016.

        The International Program prepares its graduates to take the lead in shaping the future of their nation and the world at large, with an unwavering commitment to Islamic beliefs and cultural ethics. Our International Program offers students unique opportunities to develop a comprehensive overview of the strategic issues that are of great concern to world citizens today.

        Based on rigorous standards, The Common Core State Standard (CCSS) and The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), the program provides the requirements of the American High School Diploma along with the requirements of the Saudi curriculum in Arabic and Islamic Studies so that it addresses the needs of Saudi students, the national community and the ministry of education requirements. The American Diploma program is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC).

Najd National Schools-International Program Guiding Statements:


        To promote global citizenship and learner autonomy within a secure and supportive school environment where students can achieve their utmost potential.


        To expedite the implementation of student-centered learning by shifting our paradigm from teacher-centered instruction to learner-centered instruction. We will bring about change in our educational programs, instructional approaches, learning experience, and academic support strategies to serve the interests of our students.

Definition of Learning

        Learning is a self-driven process that empowers students to set authentic goals, explore, make connections to key concepts, relate new information to prior knowledge, modify existing knowledge, develop new ideas, and reflect on academic progress in a secure equal-opportunity environment that respects diversity.

School Core Values

        We believe that:

• Embracing cultural diversity helps us become globally aware and unbiased to bring about a positive change.

• Consolidating ethics and integrity in the classroom is fundamental to building ethical future generations.

• Consistency is a prerequisite to creating space for constructive learning environments.

• Learning by sharing builds positive relationships among students and helps improve academic performance.

• Curiosity stimulates the brain for learning and makes the learning process a more rewarding experience.

• Sincerity and empathy bring about positive social experiences.


 11612 Riyadh
P.O. Box: 85822


 Email: Phone: +11 456 3288
Fax: +11 4563932