Weekly Plan and Assignment Notification
***Study well for your French Quiz on Thursday (Pour exprimer un souhait ; livre p 29 ex:6 +p 34 ex:4+p35 ex:12) +savoir écrire une phrase )

Grade: الثالث متوسط / B

DATE: 26-jan-2025 /

WEEK : 10

English ILiterature: 2periods
UNIT: 5: Journeys of Transformation
Selection: Media: From the Odyssey: A Graphic Novel.
Session 1: Review
Session 2: Discussion or Assessment
MathematicsL3.2: Statements, Conditionals, and Biconditionals Pg. 161 - 164.
Arabicنص الاستماع : ثلاث سنوات دُون عمل
Social Studiesاليوم الوطني
Computer IDigichamps
Unit 3 Lesson 1 HTML Forms
PhysicsModule 2: Lesson 2: Motion with ConstantAcceleration p.70-71
Islamic Studiesالحديث: أحكام التشبه
English IGrammar : 2 periods
MathematicsL3.2: Statements, Conditionals, and Biconditionals Pg. 165 - 166 + Practice Pg. 167-168.L3.2: Solve Pg. 167, Ex. 1, 3, 5 and 7.
Arabicنص الفهم القرائيّ: مؤسَّسة الأمير محمد بن سلمان - مسكالتدرُّب على قراءة النَّص قراءة جهريَّة سليمة مُراعيةً شُروطها
Social Studiesالاوسمة
BiologyLesson 5.2: Threats to Biodiversity
Computer IExam Revision
Islamic Studiesالحديث: الإشارة بالسلاح
English IGrammar : 2 periods
MathematicsL3.3: Deductive Reasoning Pg. 171 - 174
Social Studies I (E)CHAPTER 17: The Age of Exploration
Lesson 1: European Exploration and Expansion
Pages: 384-389
PhysicsModule 2: Lesson 2: Motion with ConstantAcceleration p.72-73Homework p.73 number 31
Islamic Studiesالحديث: التحذير من الكبر
English IVocabulary : 1 period
Sadlier Units:
4/5/6/7 Review+Practice
MathematicsL3.3: Deductive Reasoning Practice Pg. 175 + L3.4: Writing Proofs Pg. 179 - 182
Arabicتابع نص الفهم القرائيّ: مؤسَّسة الأمير محمد بن سلمان - مسكالسؤال ( 3 ) صفحة 122
BiologyLesson 5.3: Conserving Biodiversity
French IModule2: Activité; Créer la fiche d’identité de ton animal préféré (p 30-31)
ChemistryModule 4: Lesson 3: Electronic Comfiguration (Principles)
Islamic Studiesالفقه: آداب اللباس والزينة
English IWriting: 2 periods
Character Analysis
Commas (pg. 95)
MathematicsNAFS PracticeWorksheet 3 +
IXL: kindly check the links on Edunation:
Social Studies I (E)CHAPTER 17: The Age of Exploration
Lesson 2: The First Global Economic Systems
Pages: 390-404
French IFrench quiz
ChemistryModule 4: Lesson 3: Electronic Comfiguration (Principles)
Islamic Studiesالفقه: الغُسُل