Weekly Plan and Assignment Notification
Formative Assessment-Chapter2-Lesson 1and 2 -Sunday 20/10/2024
Social Studies Quiz / Period 2 / Lesson 1 p. 38-41 on Wednesday 14-10-2024
Study well for the Final Exams and refer back to the study guide.
Written Computer Exam on Tuesday (DigiChamps) Unit2: Personal Portfolio Lessons 1-4:Pgs. 33 - 70 Note: All the slides and the answer key for the unit exercises have been uploaded to EduNation by the teacher.

Grade: السادس إبتدائي / A

DATE: 20-oct-2024 /

WEEK : 10

MathematicsFormative Assessment
Chapter2-Lesson 1and 2
Holy Qur'anتسميع سورة التكوير 21-29 ارجو حفظ الآيات حفظا متقنا
Arabicمراجعة عامّة
من صـ 119 إلى 123
ScienceWorksheet # 4
Unit 1: Module: Body Systems;
Lesson 3: Obtaining Energy and Removing Waste pages 102-103
Review the explained pages + Solve the graded worksheet 5 distributed by the teacher in class due Thursday 24/10/2024
+ write the vocabulary words (Lesson 2) and the definition of “cardiac muscles” on your vocabulary booklet
EnglishRevision for the Final Exam
Literature : Unit 2: Animal Allies ''My life with Chimpanzees '' Pg.100-113
MathematicsResources Sheet
Arabicتابع المراجعة الأسلوب اللّغويّ :
المدح وَ الذّمّ . صـ48 + صـ 49
Social Studies (E)Unit 2: The Economic Revolution
Lesson 5: Capitalism and Socialism p.54-57
Social Studiesالجوانب الحضارية للدولتين السعوديتين الاولى و الثانية
SciencePBL: Model animal and plant cells
Unit 1: Module: Body Systems;
Lesson 3: Obtaining Energy and Removing Waste pages 104-106
Review the explained pages + Solve this link:
due Thursday 24/10/2024
(for easy access check Edunation)
EnglishRevision for the Final Exam
Literature : Unit 2: Animal Allies Poetry ‘’ A Blessing’’ Pg.138-142
Islamic Studiesمراجعة التوحيد ارجو احضار الكتاب
MathematicsResources Sheet
Arabicتابع المراجعة الصّنف اللّغويّ : اسم الفاعل وَ اسم المفعول من الفعل الثّلاثيّ . من صـ 71 إلى صـ 76
Social Studies (E)Study for the Social Studies Quiz / Period 2 / Lesson 1 p. 38-41 on Wednesday 23-10-2024
ComputerFinal exam
ScienceUnit 1: Module: Body Systems;
Lesson 3: Obtaining Energy and Removing Waste pages 106
Review the explained pages + Write the vocabulary words (Lesson 2) and the definition of “smooth muscles” on your vocabulary booklet
EnglishOpinion Writing Final Draft
Islamic Studiesمراجعة الحديث ارجو احضار الكتاب
MathematicsResources Sheet
Arabicتابع المراجعة الوظيفة النّحويّة ; الأفعال النّاسخة ( كان وأخواتها ) .
من صـ 65 إلى صـ 70
Social Studies (E)Social Studies Quiz / Period 2 / Lesson 1 p. 38-41
Revision for the Final Exam :
Unit 2 : L2-5 Unit Check p. 60-61
Study well for the final exam: refer back to the study guide uploaded on Edunation. Good Luck!
FrenchRefer to the study guide for final exam revisions Révision / Revision : Fiche 1 : Je peux … ?
Sheet : To ask permission

Fiche 2 : Révision : Quelle heure est-il ?
Sheet : Revision : What time is it ?

Fiche 3 : Compter de 50 à 100
Sheet : Count from 50 to 100
ScienceUnit 1: Module: Body Systems;
Lesson 3: Obtaining Energy and Removing Waste pages 106-107
Review the explained pages + Write the vocabulary words (Lesson 2) on your vocabulary booklet
EnglishGrammar Revision: Transitive vs Intransitive Verbs / Verb to Be p.15,16,17
Islamic Studiesمراجعة الفقه ارجو احضار الكتاب
MathematicsResources Sheet
Holy Qur'anمراجعة وتقييم سورة الصف
Arabicتابع المراجعة الرّسم الإملائيّ همزتا الوصل والقطع وهمزتا ( ابن – ابنة ) من صـ 57 إلى صـ 64
والرّسم الكتابيّ : من صـ 77 إلى صـ 79
FrenchRefer to the study guide for final exam revisions Révision / Revision : Fiche 4 : Interview au collège : horaires + verbe aller
Sheet : Interview au collège : schedule + verb to go

Fiche 5: Aujourd’hui, qu’est-ce que je mets ?
Sheet 5 : Today, what do I wear ?
Introduction of Unit 1 Lesson 1
Social Studiesالجوانب الحضارية للدولتين السعوديتين الاولى و الثانية
ScienceExtra PracticeWatch the videos related to the lesson uploaded on Edunation
Have a nice weekend!
EnglishGrammar Revision: Linking vs Action Verbs/ Helping Verbs p.17,18,19