Weekly Plan and Assignment Notification
Study for the Computer final exam on Thursday 6/2/2025 Written Computer Exam (DigiPro) Unit 3: The Game Lessons 1-5: Pgs.79 - 122 Note: All the slides and the answer key for the unit exercises have been uploaded to EduNation by the teacher.

Grade: الرابع إبتدائي / A

DATE: 02-feb-2025 /

WEEK : 11

MathematicsL8.6: Compare and Order Fractions pg. 517-518
Holy Qur'anمراجعة سورة البروج
Arabicالتواصل اللغوي ص 110-111-114حل ورقة عمل (6) ملف الأوراق
FrenchReview acquired concepts through a kahoot game.
Social Studiesيتبع العمل الجماعي
ScienceSolve worksheet#9
EnglishSpelling Review
MathematicsL8.6: Compare and Order Fractions pg. 519-520

Holy Qur'anمراجعة سورة نوح
Arabicمراجعة حل ص 129 -130قراءة نصّ (العلا رحلة عبر الزمن) ص 129
Social Studies (E)Social Studies Review
ScienceContinue worksheet#9
EnglishGrammar Review
Arabicمراجعة مراجعة حل ص 131-132قراءة نصّ (العلا رحلة عبر الزمن) ص 129
ComputerRevisionStudy for the Computer final exam on Thursday 6/2/2025
Written Computer Exam
Unit 3: The Game
Lessons 1-5: Pgs.79 - 122
Note: All the slides and the answer key for the unit exercises have been uploaded to EduNation by the teacher.
Social Studiesمراجعة الدروس السابقة
ScienceInspire Science, Unit 2: Module: Energy Transfer, Lesson 3: Electricity page: 51-52
EnglishVocabulary Review
Islamic Studiesمراجعة مادة التوحيد
L8.9: Mixed Numbers pg. 537-538
Arabicمراجعة عامة
تدريبات لغوية (حل ورقة عمل)
حل ورقة عمل (11) المراجعة
Science1st session: Extra worksheet
2nd session: Extra worksheet
EnglishReading Review
Islamic Studiesمراجعة مادة الحديث
MathematicsL8.9: Mixed Numbers pg. 539-540
Arabicمراجعة عامة
تدريبات لغوية (حل ورقة عمل)
Social Studies (E)Leader in Me
FrenchFrench breakfast activity: Bring one French breakfast of your choice.
ComputerFinal Exam
ScienceInspire Science, Unit 2: Module: Energy Transfer, Lesson 2: Sound and Light page: 25-27Study well for your Science Final exam.
Best of Luck!
EnglishSpelling and Grammar Review
Islamic Studiesمراجعة مادة الفقه