Weekly Plan and Assignment Notification
أرجو الإستعداد تقييم سورة التكوير تلاوة يوم الأحد لهذا الإسبوع + حفظ سورة البلد ١-٧ تقييم يوم الثلاثاء هذا الإسبوع
RCV Quiz On Monday 14/10/2024 Quiz Materials: Protecting Our Parks Comprehension Skill: Main Idea and Key Details pgs.52-53 Problems & Solutions from page 50 till 53 VB: pages 20-21-22-23-24 Read an unseen passage to answer related questions Answer questions based on the given Reading Selection ( Protecting Our Parks ) Genre: Argumentative text. Have a nice weekend!

Grade: الثالث إبتدائي بنين / B

DATE: 06-oct-2024 /

WEEK : 8

MathematicsL3.5: Subtract Three-Digit Numbers. Pg.161-162
L3.6: Subtract Four-Digit Numbers. Pg.165-166
H.W Pg.163-164
Holy Qur'anتقييم سورة التكوير تلاوة 1-29
Arabicالأداء القرائي ص (66) + التراكيب اللغوية ص ( 67)حل ص (16) في سجل لغتي + التدرب على الإملاء المنظور ليوم غد من ( قالت نورة …… الاسم يا أبي ؟ ) ص 62
Social Studies (E)* Social Studies Book: Unit 2 Lesson 1 Improving our Community 34-37Grade:3-Social Studies Quiz
Unit :1-Lesson:4- Rules at School pages:24-27
on Wednesday 16/10/2024
ScienceUnit 1: Module: Electricity and Magnetism;
Lesson 1: Electricity and Designing Solutions; Continue pg. 56+ Introduce Static Electricity pg.57

Unit 1: Module: Electricity and Magnetism;
Lesson 1: Electricity and Designing Solutions; Continue pg.57
Solve pg.65 in the science book
EnglishPractice book
Grammar: Common & Proper Nouns part 2
pages 63-64
Phonics: Long e / pages 79-80
Write a list of common and proper Nouns.
Study for your dictation on Thursday
The words Page 80 +
sentences 6, 8, & 10
Practice Book: Homework page:81

MathematicsL3.6: Subtract Four-Digit Numbers. Pg.167-168H.W Pg.169-170
Holy Qur'anتلاوة سورة عبس 1-7التدريب على تلاوة سورة عبس 1-7 ( غدا تقييم حفظ سورة البلد 1-7
Arabicإملاء منظور + أستخدم ص (69)حل ص (17) في سجل لغتي
ScienceUnit 1: Module: Electricity and Magnetism;
Lesson 1: Electricity and Designing Solutions pg. 64
Solve IXL:

due 15/10/2024
(check Edunation for easier access)
Personal Narrative Draft 1
pages 26-27 in the writing booklet
Reading Fluency:
Protecting our Parks Reading Book p. 52-53
Vocabulary Booklet: Do the Reading Analysis .Part 2 page 25. VB
Practice reading : ( Protecting our Parks ) pgs.52-53
MathematicsL3.7: Subtract Across Zeros. Pg.171-172
Holy Qur'anحفظ سورة البلد 8-12حفظ الآيات بالمنزل إستعداد للتقييم الإسبوع المقبل 1-12
Arabicالخط ص (70) + التعبير ص ( 71 )التدرب على الإملاء ليوم غد ، من ( قَالَ الْأَبُ ….. فِي كُلِّ مَكَانٍ ) ص ( 63 )
ComputerDigi Pro
Unit 2: The Stage
Lesson 1 : Story Board
ScienceUnit 1: Module: Electricity and Magnetism;
Lesson 1: Electricity and Designing Solutions correct homework pg. 65+ practice about static electricity
EnglishComprehension Skill
Main Idea and Key Details pgs.52-53
Problems & Solutions from page 50 till 53
Use important details to summarize the reading selection
Practice reading : ( Protecting our Parks ) pgs.52-53
MathematicsL3.7: Subtract Across Zeros. Pg.173-174
Extra Practice.
H.W Pg.175-176
Arabicإملاء غيبغدًا تقييم قراءة
درس الرِّياضُ و الملكُ الشُّجَاعُ
التدرب على قراءة الدرس
Social Studies (E)*“The Leader in Me”
Habit# 1
ComputerDigi Pro
Unit 2: The Stage
Lesson 2 : Sprites
ScienceUnit 1: Module: Electricity and Magnetism;
Lesson 1: Electricity and Designing Solutions; discuss science probe pg. 49+ practice about electric charges
EnglishReading Fluency:
Protecting our Parks
Reading Book p. 52-53
Reading Analysis part 2 page 26 VB
Complete the reading analysis pages.
Practice reading : ( Protecting our Parks ) pgs.52-53
Study for the dictation tomorrow
Islamic Studiesتوحيد درس إقام الصلاةحفظ تعريف إقام الصلاة + الأدلة الدرس
MathematicsExtra Practice.IXL Homework. Kindly check edunation for easy access of the links.
To submit: Math Worksheet Kindly solve Pg.10+11 from the Math Booklet.
Arabicتقييم قراءةواجب حل صفحة (18) في سجل لغتي
ScienceUnit 1: Module: Electricity and Magnetism;
Lesson 1: Electricity and Designing Solutions, online game+ practice about magnetism
Science vocabulary booklet: Study the meaning of "attract", "electrical charges" from Vocabulary Sheet 3 + Write the vocabulary words pg. 7.
Watch the video uploaded on Edunation.
Enjoy your weekend!
EnglishRead and retell
( Protecting our Parks ) pgs.52-53 the text :
Use the vocabulary words in meaningful sentences.
Have a great weekend!
Islamic Studiesحل تمارين الكتاب ص 26و 27مراجعة الدرس بالمنزل