Weekly Plan and Assignment Notification
Please study well for Math Quiz #2, which will be on Sunday, 13/10/2024. For the lessons included, kindly refer to the weekly plan.
Kindly keep your science booklet, vocabulary booklet and science book in your bag the whole week! Science Quiz on Sunday 20/10/2024, Inspire Science: Unit 1: Module: Earth’s Landscape; Lesson 3: Water on Earth pg. 41,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,56,57+ Worksheet 3 in the Science booklet pg.7,8+ Vocabulary Sheet 3 in the Vocabulary booklet + all related videos and PowerPoints posted on Edunation
On Wednesday, October 16,2024-Social Studies Quiz Unit:1-Lesson:4 My Neighborhood pages:24-27
**Study for your( English) Literature and Vocabulary Quiz on Monday 14/10/2024 (Week 9)

Grade: الثاني إبتدائي بنات / B

DATE: 13-oct-2024 /

WEEK : 9

MathematicsMath Quiz #2 The Included Lessons are: Chapter 1→Apply Addition and Subtraction Concepts: L1.11: Missing Addends. (pg.-75-80) L1.12: Fact Families .(pg. 81-86) L1.13: Two-Step Word Problems. (pg. -87-92) Chapter 2→Number Pattern: L2.1: Skip Count On a Hundred Chart. (pg. 107-112) L2.2: Skip Count by 2s, 5s, and 10s. (pg. 113-118)
Holy Qur'anتسميع سورة البينة 2-3
الحرص على حفظ الآيات للتسميع في الوقت المحدد
Arabicدرس الجار الصغير ص ٧١-٧٢التدريب على الإملاء ص ٧١ من بداية النص شاهد إلى الرقم هو (٩٩٨)
Social Studies (E)The Leader in Me Book
Habit# 1- Be Proactive-pages: 5-6
On Wednesday, October 16,2024- Study for the Social Studies Quiz Unit:1-Lesson:4
My Neighborhood pages:24-27
Unit 2: Module: Describe Materials;
Lesson 1: Investigate Materials pg. 14,15
Graded Homework
Solve Worksheet 3 pg. 8 in the Science Booklet
EnglishReading Fluency:
Baby bears
Pg 110-126
Genre: Expository Text
Short u, long u: u_e; Pgs. 106, 107, 111.

Vocabulary strategy: Homographs. Pgs. 120
**Study for your( English) Literature and Vocabulary Quiz:
on Monday 14/10/2024 (Week 9)
The required material:
* Literature Book:
- Families Working Together
- Essential question: What happens when families work together?
- Genre: Expository Text
*Practice Book:
-High-Frequency words. Pg. 74.
- Vocabulary Strategy: Synonyms. Pg. 84.
*Vocabulary Booklet:
- Vocabulary words: Families Working Together Pages.20-21
Reading Analysis: (Families Working Together VB. pgs. 24-27)

(All The PPT Slides are Uploaded on Edunation).
Good Luck!
MathematicsL2.6: Even and Odd Numbers Pg. 141-142
+ L2.7: Sums of Equal Numbers Pg. 145-146
L2.6: Even and Odd Numbers Homework pg. 143-144
Arabicإملاء - أجيب وأنمي لغتي ص ٧٣-٧٤حل النسخ في سجل لغتي ص٢٣
Unit 2: Module: Describe Materials;
Lesson 1: Investigate Materials, pg.18,19+ check Worksheet 3 in the Science Booklet
Solve IXL:

due 22/10/2024
(check Edunation for easier access)
English- Grammar:
Singular and Plural Nouns. PB. pgs. 115, 116,119.
- English Quiz
Islamic Studiesلماذا خلقنا الله + العبادة
الحرص على إحضار الكتاب
MathematicsL2.7: Sums of Equal Numbers Pg. 147-148L2.7: Sums of Equal Numbers Homework pg. 149-150
Holy Qur'anمراجعة سورة البينة 1-3
الاستماع لقارئ مجوّد و مراجعة الآيات المطلوبة
Arabicأكتب ص ٧٧
-Session 3 : Unit 2: Module: Describe Materials;
Lesson 1: Investigate Materials, Continue pg. 19,20
-Session 4 :Unit 2: Module: Describe Materials;
Lesson 1: Investigate Materials, pg. 20,24
Science vocabulary booklet: Write the vocabulary words pg. 9
EnglishReading Analysis
Baby Bears VB. Pages 33-38
Spiral Review: Vocabulary PB. Pg.103
Do your IXL Homework:
MathematicsL3.1: Take Apart Tens to Add Pg. 165-166Kindly solve worksheet 7 from the math booklet + Check the assignment on edunation for easy access to IXL link: https://www.ixl.com/math/grade-2/skip-counting-by-twos-fives-and-tens
Arabicأقرأ والاحظ ص ٧٥التدريب على الإملاء ص٧٢ من كلمة عاد إلى صاحب المنزل إلى جارك الصغير يوم الأحد
Social Studies (E)Social Studies Quiz(2)
Unit 2: Module: Describe Materials;
Lesson 1: Investigate Materials pg. 24,25
Study well for the Science Quiz on Sunday 20 /10/2024:
Inspire Science: Unit 1: Module: Earth’s Landscape;
Lesson 3: Water on Earth pg. 41,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,56,57+ Worksheet 3 in the Science booklet pg.7,8+ Vocabulary Sheet 3 in the Vocabulary booklet
+ all related videos and PowerPoints posted on Edunation
English- Writing:Final Draft (A Special Day)HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!
Islamic Studiesنظافة البدن + نظافة الملابس و المكان
الحرص على إحضار الكتاب
MathematicsLong Weekend
Arabicإجازة مطولة
ScienceEnjoy your long weekend!