Weekly Plan and Assignment Notification

Grade: الأول إبتدائي بنات / A

DATE: 31-mar-2024 /

WEEK : 5

MathematicsEid Vacation
EnglishEid Mubarak
MathematicsL8.2: Compare and Order Lengths Pg. 571-572L8.2: Compare and Order Lengths Homework pg. 573-574
Holy Qur'anقرآن - مراجعة سورة التكاثر كاملةالاستماع لقارئ مجوّد ومراجعة الآيات جيداً
Arabicالتقويم التجميعي ص54-55
Social Studies (E)Unit 6 - Lesson 1 - Who are my friends? Page 134 - 137
ScienceUnit 3 , lesson 3 pg. 42,43,44.
r-Controlled Vowel: ar
Practice Book V#2
*Phonics pgs. 331-333
*Spelling pgs. 336-340
Reading Fluency
* Practice Book: pgs334,337
MathematicsL8.3: Nonstandard Units of Length Pg. 575-576
Arabicأنشودة النحلةحفظ أنشودة النحلة ص60
ScienceUnit 3 , lesson 3 pg. 45, 46,47.
Practice Book V#2
* Words That Join
pgs. 344,345
*Reading Fluency
*Practice listening
Kindly study for the dictation tomorrow.
1- A shark can swim fast.
2-The hens live in a farm.
Islamic Studiesدراسات إسلامية - صفة الوضوءالحرص على إحضار الكتاب
MathematicsL8.3: Nonstandard Units of Length Pg. 577-578L8.3: Nonstandard Units of Length Homework pg. 579-580
Holy Qur'anقرآن - حفظ سورة القارعة 1-3الاستماع لقارئ مجوّد وحفظ الآيات جيداً و التسميع يوم الخميس
Arabicنص الاستماع ص61-62
ScienceUnit 3 , lesson 3 pg. 54,55.Bring your science booklet.
1- A shark can swim fast.
2-The hens live in a farm.

Listening Assessment
MathematicsL8.5: Time to the Hour: Analog Pg. 589-590
Holy Qur'anقرآن - تسميع سورة القارعة 1-3الاستماع لقارئ مجوّد و الحرص على التسميع في الوقت المحدد
Arabicالتعاون ص63+64التدرب على الإملاء ص63 ( خَرَجَ الضَّبُّ صَباحًا مِنْ جُحْرِهِ بَعْدَ بَيَاتٍ شِتْويٍّ طَوِيلٍ).
ScienceSolve worksheet 12 in the science booklet+ review about light.
EnglishReading Book Unit 1.4
Animals Everywhere
Week 5. Working with Animals
“Koko and Penny” pgs. 130-137
Essential Question:
How do people work with animals?
Genre: Nonfiction
Reading analysis worksheet

Reading Fluency
Reading Book
Reread the story” Koko and Penny“ pgs. 130-137